Latest news and information on travel, trends, aircraft and air chartering

News and information from the travel world

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Keep up to date on the latest industry events, travels and trends, as well as lots of interesting facts about the world of aviation and air chartering.
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Dubrovnik with more than 250 days of sunshine in a year, is one of the most favourite incentive destinations of the recent times. With...
Travelling is the best thing in the world!Every time we prepare our luggage, we look forward to what awaits us and already feel far...
Sudden anxiety, insecurity and unjustified fear that can lead to a feeling of a real terror at the very thought of getting on a...
It is no secret that celebrities often travel with a private plane. Certainly, it is a matter of Status: if you're a celebrity and...
We are constantly being warned with alarming messages on the pollution situation and, objectively, we cannot help but feel worried because even without the...
When we talk about Berlin, we cannot help but think about the Wall, about the Second World War and everything that came from it, from...
Sport as a lifestyle.When you have a passion, it determines your actions and gives direction to your life, until it becomes an indispensable and indivisible...
Last week we began our virtual tour to the places where the successful series Game of Thrones was filmed. This fascinating journey started in...
Part OneA few weeks ago, started the eighth season of the Game of Thrones (the most popular and followed TV series in the world),...