Latest news and information on travel, trends, aircraft and air chartering

News and information from the travel world

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Keep up to date on the latest industry events, travels and trends, as well as lots of interesting facts about the world of aviation and air chartering.
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Choosing the best seat on the airplane that suits our needs can make a big difference on the quality of our traveling.We are not...
I was lucky enough to stay numerous times in Amsterdam and to live it more as a resident than as a tourist. When I...
How many times has it happened that when we arrive at the airport we are convinced to having perfectly prepared our luggage and our...
The air baptism of a new plane is an event that always gives strong emotions. On the 5th of March Albastar inaugurated its new...
"Space, the last frontier..." This is what Captain Kirk once said in the incipit of the famous Star Trek series, started in 1966....
Champions League: what a passion!!!We are in full load of the event and still in the race for the victory of the Italian team...
An incentive trip to Ireland is an experience that leaves its mark in your heart.This land, which not for nothing is called the Emerald...
A few months ago we flew to Spain for the Valencia Marathon and on this occasion, we had the pleasure to host on board...
The airport connection has a fundamental importance to keep the flowing circulation of goods and passengers. It is a determining factor both for the tourism...