Latest news and information on travel, trends, aircraft and air chartering

News and information from the travel world

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Keep up to date on the latest industry events, travels and trends, as well as lots of interesting facts about the world of aviation and air chartering.
Read the articles and learn more about incentive trips, organising and chartering private jets and any other topics you are interested in.
In the past several years, Iceland has become one of the most favourite high-level company incentive destinations and it is easy to understand why....
When organizing a corporate incentive trip, the ultimate goal is to achieve what is commonly called the "WOW effect!!!"Often, the final client has no idea...
In addition to charter planes for DMC, incentive trips and to the ACMI activity, That Aviation Italia is also able to organize the seasonal...
On the 22th of February, 170 sport-lovers had the possibility of realizing their dream of following their favourite team to the delicate match of...
Valencia Marathon is the fastest Marathon in Spain. It is a very unique experience to run in it!!! My running partners kept saying: "You'll...